To make it easier for you to find the wonderful items that Kachina House has placed on Sale, we have grouped them together into one place. Here you will find ALL the items we have discounted to make room for new things. We will expand this area as time allows to give people the opportunity to purchase some fabulous pieces at reduced prices. We put these pieces on sale because in our quest to help the local Native American artisans, we find ourselves with more inventory than we can manage.

Kachina House is the largest distributor of Native American arts and crafts in Arizona. At our showroom/warehouse in Sedona, AZ, you will find more products on display than we can post on our website. Our products are high-quality and handcrafted; we pride ourselves on offering unique products and the best customer service. If you have questions, we urge you to call us toll free at 800-304-3290 or drop us an email. We always like to hear from our customers.

Items 1-24 of 56

  1. Special Price $1,000.00 Regular Price $1,500.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Clown Katsina Doll--Vintage
  2. Special Price $600.00 Regular Price $900.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Clown Katsina Doll--Vintage
  3. Special Price $1,000.00 Regular Price $1,500.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Greasy Racer Katsina Doll
  4. Special Price $1,600.00 Regular Price $2,400.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Hehey'a Katsina Doll
  5. Special Price $800.00 Regular Price $1,200.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Heheya Katsina Doll
  6. Special Price $800.00 Regular Price $1,200.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Heheya Katsina Doll
  7. Special Price $1,000.00 Regular Price $1,500.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Heheya Katsina Doll--Vintage
  8. Special Price $1,600.00 Regular Price $2,400.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Hemis Katsina Doll--Vintage
  9. Special Price $1,850.00 Regular Price $2,800.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Kokopelli Fertility Katsina Doll
  10. Special Price $4,000.00 Regular Price $6,000.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Left Handed Hunter Katsina Doll
  11. Special Price $1,600.00 Regular Price $2,500.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Left Handed Hunter Katsina Doll
  12. Special Price $350.00 Regular Price $525.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Mocking Katsina Doll
  13. Special Price $165.00 Regular Price $250.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Mudhead Katsina Doll
  14. Special Price $400.00 Regular Price $600.00
    Native American Hopi Carved Mudhead Katsina Doll

Items 1-24 of 56